A 100-year history


Giardino Botanico Paradisia - Valnontey
  • пятница 22 Июль 2022

Gran Paradiso National Park turns 100 years old!

Friday 22nd July 2022 at Paradisia Alpine Garden, in the warm light of the late afternoon, concert in honour of the 100 years of the Park by Sfom (Scuola di Formazione e Orientamento Musicale) and the school M.I.Viglino for the performance of the symphony Photosynthesis at the end of the project “Semi sonori”. Students from local schools will be involved in collaboration with the Park Guides; a snack will be offered to participants. During the whole day, at the Paradisia Alpine Garden, there will be activities dedicated to officinal herbs, conducted by the Associazione le Terre dei Savoia, within the framework of the European project ALCOTRA PROBIODIV - PITEM Biodiv’ALP, on the enhancement of Biodiversity.

Населенный пункт

Ente Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso
Ufficio Turistico di versante

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