Hip Hop Summer School


Middle school gym
  • 15 Июль 2024 - 25 Июль 2024
Время работы и затраты Программа

Hip-Hop dance classes aimed at all children from 7 years old, suitable not only for those who have already had the opportunity to approach the various styles of Hip Hop and wish to deepen their learning and improve their technique by having prepared teachers and high level, but also an excellent opportunity for those who, due to school or sports commitments, have never been able to try their hand at this wonderful and multifaceted art.

Daily lessons from Monday to Thursday. From Monday to Wednesday with permanent teacher, Thursday with guest teacher. It is possible to participate even only in a lesson with a guest teacher without registering for the internship by paying directly on site before the course. Reservation by phone or email required.

First week
15-16-17 July permanent teacher: DeniChic - Locking
18 July guest teacher: Red Frik Hey - Hip Hop

Second week
22-23-24 July permanent teacher: Penna - Hip Hop
25 July guest teacher: DCFunk - Locking

To participate write to infoacademiedanse@gmail.com. Registrations are always open while places are available.
Request a valid medical certificate copy of good health.

Населенный пункт

Académie Danse Courmayeur ASD

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