Cogne - Sogno di Berdzé mountain hut


  • L'Alta Via n° 2
    < Tappa 10 >
  • Пункт отправления:
    Cogne (1.540 m)
  • Пункт пребытия::
    Sogno di Berdzé mountain hut (2.530 m)
  • Расписания:
    +1100 m -116 m
  • Durata Andata:
  • Durata Ritorno:
  • Segnavia:
    alta via 2
  • Tracciati GPS:
    gpx , kml

The Sogno di Berdzé mountain hut has temporarily ceased its activity. It is necessary to continue to the Misérin mountain hut.

23/05/2024 - Stage interrupted due to landslides on the path. See the pdf map.

Типичные блюда

From Cogne, follow the tarmac road towards Lillaz.
Just before the chapel of Saint-Antoine, take the dirt track road on the right.
Go along the dirt road that climbs gently up amid the woods until you come out near a traffic bridge.
Cross it and turn left towards Champlong.
From here, continue along the pavement that runs alongside the tarmac road until the large open square at Lillaz.
Cross it, and after about 200 metres take the path that goes up to the left through fields and woodland, walking for a brief stretch alongside a penstock, then continue until you reach a flat stretch that leads to the pasture of Goilles Inferiore.
Just after the pasture, turn right across the wooden bridge over the Urtier Torrent and go walk steeply up through the conifer wood.
The wood now thins out and the route crosses a number of little torrents until you come to a rangers’ hut.
From here the route flattens out, leaves the woods behind, crosses the pasturelands that streams run through and goes onto a dirt track that leads to the Sogno di Berdzé mountain hut at the Péradza.

The Sogno di Berdzé mountain hut has temporarily ceased its activity. It is necessary to continue to the Miserin mountain hut.


Туристическое предложение
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