Saint-Clair - Gettaz (Montjovet)


  • Уровень трудности:
    E - Randonnée
  • Лучший период:
    Май - Октябрь
  • Пункт отправления:
    Saint-Clair (447 m)
  • Пункт пребытия::
    Gettaz (Montjovet) (887 m)
  • Расписания:
    986 m
  • длина:
    7.144 m
  • Durata Andata:
  • Segnavia:
  • Tracciati GPS:
    GPX , KML

Типичные блюда

When you get to, a hamlet in the municipality of Châtillon which is reached on the road that goes up to Usuare and take itinerary 1, a short distance from the car park. The trail runs alongside several meadows until it reaches a crossroad, where it stays left and enters the woods, going around the slopes of Mont Lyan until it gets to the uninhabited village of Rodoz. It now goes up to the right amidst abandoned cultivations, and crosses a watershed to reach a crossroad on the opposite side, where you leave the left-hand path, and continue straight on a private road on the right, until, after ignoring the right-hand track at another crossroad, you finally come to Gettaz.


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