La Nouva - Pastures Nomenon - Gontier Bivouac


  • Уровень трудности:
    E - Randonnée
  • Лучший период:
    Июнь - Сентябрь
  • Пункт отправления:
    La Nouva (1300 m)
  • Пункт пребытия::
    Gontier Bivouac (2310 m)
  • Расписания:
    1.002 m
  • длина:
    6.786 m
  • Durata Andata:
  • Segnavia:
    27C - 27 B - 5
  • Tracciati GPS:
    GPX , KML

Типичные блюда

When you get to Vieyes, a hamlet along the Cogne road, 10 km from Aymavilles, continue a further 3km. Take the last right turning before you get to the “La Presa” dam over the Grand Eyvia stream in La Nouva. You are now on route 27C, which starts just after the snow shed and goes up to Sisoret pasture (1803 m). Go past the houses and continue on the right along the same trail until you reach route 27B from Pianesse. The trail continues up the hillside across Bois de Ronc and as far as Alpe Petit Nomenon. At the houses, take route 5 which goes up to Grand Nomenon and the Gontier bivouac.


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