Parish church of Saint-Martin


The church of Saint Martin, today the parish church of “Cristo Re”, is located in the heart of the capital village of Aymavilles. In the past it was one of the two parishes of Aymavilles, together with that of Saint-Léger (Saint Leodegar), until their unification realised in 1926 under the title of “Christ the King”.

Mentioned for the first time in a papal bull of Pope Alexander III of 20 April 1176 among the dependencies of the bishop of Aosta, the medieval church was rebuilt in 1724 using stones originating from the demolition of the castle of Allian.
On the façade, a 1968 fresco (Nino Pirlato) depicts Christ between Saint Leodegar and Saint Martin.

Under the layer of nineteenth century plaster and the semi-spherical covering spire, the bell tower is said to conceal romanesque forms.

The main altar was built by the brothers Giuseppe and Giacomo Ferrario, sculptors from Arzo (Lugano), in the years 1764-1766; the organ (1881) is by the Collino brothers. The stained glass windows depicting some saints are also interesting.

Населенный пункт

Parrocchia Cristo Re
Loc. Crétaz-Saint Martin
  • Telefono:
    0165 902229

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