Priod Fabrizio Winery

The vineyards are the family’s vineyards: six thousand square meters split up into small plots located near the Bocoueil stream. The grandfather’s pergola system hosts 'anciens cépages' with old vines of Nebbiolo, Barbera, Merlot, Dolcetto, Freisa, Cornalin, Mayolet and Neyret. The most functional vineyards, redeveloped in a special way in the countryside, have French clones of Merlot.
The management of the vineyards, carried out in a responsible manner in a healthy artisanal manner, gives rise to two wines both rich in personality. Bocoueil is the traditional wine produced by using the grapes of the old family vineyard. Here, different varieties combine to form a symbol of sincere authenticity. A wine that looks to the past, which proudly claims its peasant origins.
The articulated mosaic that makes up the profile of Rouge Tonen is, on the contrary, generated from Merlot grapes vinified alone

The products
The company does not produce DOC (Controlled Designation of Origin) wines.

Direct sale at the winery upon reservation.

The visit
The winery and the vineyards can be visited with the possibility to have tastings of the produced wines.
Upon reservation on Saturdays and Sundays and possibly other holidays, throughout the day.

Languages spoken: Italian, French and English.

How to get there
A5 motorway, exit Verrès, continue towards Turin for about 2 km. At the third roundabout, leaving the town of Verrès, turn right towards Issogne, continue straight ahead, cross the bridge over the Dora Baltea and, after about 200 m, past a sawmill, an ample bus parking lot on the right.

Населенный пункт

Fraz. La Colombière, 2
11020 ISSOGNE (AO)

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