Belvedere and nature trail Montseuc


  • Уровень трудности:
    E - De excursión
  • Лучший период:
    Июнь - Сентябрь
  • Пункт отправления:
    Arrival of the cable car Pulsé (2072 m)
  • Пункт пребытия::
    Arrival of the cable car Pulsé (2072 m)
  • Расписания:
    276 m
  • длина:
    3103 m
  • Durata Andata:
  • Durata Ritorno:
  • Segnavia:
    17 – 17°
  • Tracciati GPS:
    GPX , KML

Round trip that winds along the wooded face of the north-east side of Montseuc in the Gran Paradiso National Park.

Типичные блюда

From the higher part of Cogne, take the cable car (a fee is due) which reaches 2072 m where the Nature Trail starts, near the bar. It’s an educational itinerary featuring 15 observation points where you can discover many small wonders of the mountain habitat: the woodland and its inhabitants, the man and his territory, the birds of prey living on the cliffs, the green stones and the land morphology, the effects of glaciations, the iron mines and the historical settlements. The Nature Trail is a medium difficult itinerary: one easy part is suitable for everyone until the Belvedere panoramic natural terrace over the Cogne valley, the Gran Paradiso massif and the Mont Blanc, while a more challenging part on the Montseuc ridge (2327 m) is steeper and more difficult with some exposed parts.


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