Tromen Chapel


LOCATION: built by the inhabitants of Écrivin, Moulin and other districts on the bank of the Grand-Valey to appeal for protection in an area subject to river flooding.

HISTORY: dedicated by its founders to St. Michael and after the extension of 1747, dedicated to Our Lady of the Snow, the chapel in the past called the “Sanctuary” was of huge importance to residents and various bequests linked to it (in particular, donations to celebrate masses). Yet, the temple was not a rich one. In fact, according to a document from 1866, the church treasury requested the funds necessary for immediate restoration work by calling upon the heirs to the ancient founders in 1747 and reminded them of the signed commitment.

INTERESTING DETAILS: worth noting, the large fresco that covers the facade with a scene from the Last Judgement. There is a characteristic, little bell-tower on the projecting roof.


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