"Lo Tsaven" - market of organic and biodynamic products


Piazza Chanoux
  • Sunday 11 August 2024
Opening time and fees

“Lo Tsaven” market is an initiative of the Campagna Amica Foundation. It is a market managed directly by farmers with both fresh and transformed Valle d’Aosta agricultural excellences: we therefore range from seasonal vegetables to goat and bovine cheeses such as Fontina DOP, the main product of our region.

In the local dialect “tsaven” has an important meaning: the basket where vegetables, fruit and any other food needed by peasant families were placed.

An unmissable event, to get to know and buy the products of the Earth at zero kilometers.

You will find: fruit jam, fruit juices, baked goods, body care products, vinegars, sauces, plants; but not only that, you can admire the thousand colors, tastes and aromas of the many bovine and goat cheeses among which the very famous and unique fontina reigns.

• taste
• tradition
• health
• culture

A unique opportunity to speak directly with the producers, listen to their advice to better prepare and taste organic products exclusively in season.

We are waiting for you in the heart of the city of Aosta, under the arcades of Piazza Chanoux, to enjoy the best the Aosta Valley has to offer


Associazione Agrimercato Aosta
Loc Borgnalle 10/L
11100 AOSTA (AO)

Tourist Areas
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