Città di Mantova


Altitude: 3.498 m
Address: Ghiacciaio del Garstelet - 11020
Telephone: 0163.78150
Number of rooms: 8
WC: 4
Opening periods: 23.03 / 14.04 ; 01.06 / 15.09
Situated at the foot of the Garstelet glacier.
A starting point for many excursions on Monte Rosa among which Punta Gnifetti where the highest refuge in Europe - the Regina Margherita Refuge - is situated.



Description Included Price
Bed in a room with 2 - 4 beds 30,00 €
50,00 €
Half board (price per person) 70,00 €
100,00 €
Full board (price per person) 95,00 €
125,00 €
Cotton travel Sheet 10,00 €
20,00 €
Single use travel sheet 4,00 €
10,00 €
Breakfast (price per person) 7,00 €
14,00 €
Prices are valid from 01/12/2023 to 30/11/2024

How to get here by car

Pont-Saint-Martin motorway exit. At the Pont-Saint-Martin exit of the A5, turn right and follow the signs for Turin. At the first roundabout turn left and follow the signs for the valley of Gressoney. Go into the built-up area of Pont-Saint-Martin and after approximately 500 metres take the road which branches off to the right and carry on along the regional road of the valley of Gressoney. Go past the towns of Lillianes, Fontainemore, Issime, Gaby and Gressoney-Saint-Jean.
Having reached the built-up centre of Gressoney-La-Trinité keep going straight on until you reach the large square where the Gabiet cableway begins. The first cable car reaches the intermediate station at Alpe Gabiet; the second one reaches the Passo dei Salati. From here the cableway to Indren leaves, from the arrival station there is an hour to walk to reach the refuge.

How to get here by public transport

The nearest train station is at Pont-Saint-Martin.
Scheduled coach service as far as Gressoney-La-Trinité (approximately 10 trips a day).

Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

Mont Blanc

Gran Paradiso

Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

Central Valley


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Webcams map       Resort

Webcams map       Resort
Gressoney Saint Jean

Webcams map       Resort
Gressoney La Trinité

Webcams map       Resort
Brusson - Palasinaz

Webcams map       Resort