Pavese Ermes Winery

The winery was founded in 1999, it is located in the village Ruine of Morgex. It is about lands that have always been linked to the cultivation of the native grape prié blanc; a ‘heroic’ cultivation that takes places in a traditional way with a low pergola, both to protect the grape from the low temperatures and to allow it to grow at high altitudes.
The family is the engine and the heart of the company and Ermes follows all the production steps that lead to the birth of the traditional Blanc de Morgex et de La Salle, classic method, aged in barrique (that was given the name of Ermes’son Nathan) and late harvest. The wine is named Ninive.
Ermes Pavese winery is in several prestigious guides of the sector.

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White wines DOC: Blanc de Morgex et de La Salle VDA DOC, NATHAN (Blanc de Morgex et de La Salle Valle d’Aosta DOC), Le 7 Scalinate (Blanc de Morgex et de La Salle Valle d’Aosta DOC)
Sparkling wines DOC: PAVESE XVIII (Metodo Classico, Blanc de Morgex et de La Salle Valle d’Aosta DOC), PAVESE XXIV (Metodo Classico, Blanc de Morgex et de La Salle Valle d’Aosta DOC), PAVESE XXXVI (Metodo Classico, Blanc de Morgex et de La Salle Valle d’Aosta DOC)

Other products: NINIVE, wine produced from overripe grapes.

The point of sale is open from 5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. from Monday till Saturday, closed on Sundays and holidays.

Visits to the cave and the vineyards are available all year round, booking is required. It is possible to organize wine tastings.
Tasting costs:
Wine tasting: 10 € per person
Wine tasting with products of the Nathan Pavese farm: 20 € per person.

Spoken languages: Italian, French and English.

How to get there
From Aosta: exit at Morgex, follow the direction for Courmayeur, turn right near the Cave Mont Blanc and continue until the stop sign. At the crossroads follow the signs for La Ruine Alta.
From Courmayeur: continue on the SS 26 until Morgex and at the second roundabout (the one with the vineyard in the centre) take the third exit and follow the signs for La Ruine Alta.
The company is about 100 metres on the right.


Strada Pineta, 26 - Fraz. La Ruine
11017 MORGEX (AO)
  • Telephone:
    (+39) 347 4409153

Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

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Monte Rosa

Central Valley


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