Jeudi du Conservatoire - Tutti a concerto


Auditorium Renato Callisto Arnod della Torre dei Balivi
  • jueves 27 abril 2023
Horarios y Cuotas

Tutti a concerto
Strings of the Conservatoire de la Vallée d’Aoste, Greta Spadarossi and Simone Giardina, flutes and Stéphanie Praduroux, director. Music by Vivaldi and Bach

Eigth edition of Jeudi du Conservatoire, thirteen appointments will accompany the evenings of the Conservatoire between the end of winter and the beginning of summer, offering the public a taste of the musical quality of the Conservatoire’s work.

The events are characterized by a great variety of repertoires and instrumental ensembles, from the string orchestra to the trombone quartet, from solo piano to accordion, from guitars to wind instruments. Some of the performances see the completion of didactic projects or teachers who propose specific paths, crossing a great variety of eras and musical inspirations.

  • High quality musical concerts
  • Free admission to all concerts
  • Music of different genres and with different instruments
  • Suggestive Auditorium in the Torre dei Balivi

Free admission subject to availability.


Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali della Valle d'Aosta - Conservatoire de la Vallée d'Aoste
Rue du Baillage, 6 c/o Torre dei Balivi
11100 AOSTA (AO)

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