The night of the grouses


  • 04 Май 2024 - 05 Май 2024
Время работы и затраты Программа

An opportunity to live together one of the most particular and special spectacles of Nature in the heart of the Gran Paradiso National Park: the period of love of the grouses!. A magic atmophere of sounds and awakenings at the first light of the day. This is the period when the males gather in open spaces at the first light of dawn to face each other and conquer the females.
Their tail opens to lyre, and their wattles turn red.The silent atmsphere of the whole forest is suddenly filled with their chrachteristic sound letting discover a ghost animal, almost impossible to see for the rest of the year. You have to get up very early to attend this this unusual concert, but it is worth it!

Time of the hike: 5-6 hours
Difference in height; 600 metres about
Difficulty: E (for hikers)
Number of participants: minimum 8 – maximum 15 persons
Reccomended clothing and equipment: necessary clothing: trekking boots, wind-proof jacket, warm trakking pants, cap, a bottle with hot drink, front light. Recommended equipment: poles, camera and binoculars.
How to book send an e-mail to
In case of bad weather: In case of bad weather the excursion will be cancelled

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Guide Trek Alps

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