Dortoir Alpe Baravex


Типичные блюда

Altitude: 1,917 m
Location: Alpe Baravex
Sleeping places: 12
Open: open from middle of June.
Difficulties: T
Trail sign: yes
Ascent: 0h40 from Pied Plan
Coordinates UTM - WGS84: EAST 366022
Coordinates UTM - WGS84: NORTH 5076254

From the State Road SS27 for the Great St. Bernard, after the houses in Gignod, follow the fork for Allein to the right, go through the main villagel (Le Plan-de-Clavel) following signs for Dortoir Baravex, until the start of an unsurfaced road that leads to the Allein alpine pasture homes and therefore to Alp Baravex (path signed for snow boots). Leave the car close to an alpine pasture home and follow the unsurfaced road that will lead you to the bivouac in about 40 mins. It is located near a mountain pasture home just under the main unsurfaced road.

Equipment: kitchen, dining room, 2 bathrooms with shower, water, electricity, blankets, kitchenware, pellet stove.

Closed during the Winter season, opening middle of June.

The bivouac is located on Tour des Combins, low variant.

Населенный пункт

Comune di Allein
11010 ALLEIN (AO)
  • Telefono:
    (+39) 0165 78266

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