Ménabréaz Bivouac


Типичные блюда

Altitude: 2,546 m
Location: Laures Lake
Sleeping places: 12
Open: always open
Difficulty: E
Trail sign: yes n.1
Ascent: 4h30 from Grand-Brissogne (Loc. Les Plantses) end of the asphalt road
Coordinates UTM-WGS84: EAST 376118
Coordinates UTM- WGS84: NORTH 5060318

The bivouac is dedicated to the memory of the partisan soldier Ernesto Ménabréaz.

Leave your car at the end of the asphalt road above Grand Brissogne then take the estate road for the Laures Valley, that goes up for about 3km until you reach a clearing with a small hydroelectric plant close to some pasture homes (Loc. Larp 1,310m). Take path n°1 starting between the houses that heads into the fairly thick forest to the lodges Alp Vieille at 1,629m.
Pass by the lodges and continue upwards on steep ground with protruding rocks; cross the river on the wooden bridge just before Alp Le Tramail (1,975m).
After crossing the river twice more times, the slopes become more open and the path winds through bushes, until you come to some writing on a rock “fontane nere 2.225”.
Cross the stream and continue on the main path that after a diagonal crossing turns right towards a small chapel built in memory of three alpinists who died climbing the east face of the Emilius.
The path continues to the bivouac.

Equipment: water, blankets, wood stove, gas stove, outside toilets, electricity, fountain, pic-nic tables

Населенный пункт

Comune di Brissogne
  • Telefono:
    (+39) 0165 762611

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