Quintino Sella ai Rochers Bivouac - Unusable


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Altitude: 3,371 m
Location: Rochers du Mont-Blanc
Sleeping places: 10
Open: always open
Difficulty: D
Trail sign: no
Ascent: 7h from La Visaille
Coordinates UTM-WGS84: EAST 332569
Coordinates UTM-WGS84: NORTH 5076429

The equipped section of the Rochers route is unusable due to a landslide.

The Quintino Sella mountain hut is located along the southwestern ridge of the Rochers of Mont Blanc and dates back to 1885 (the year after Sella’s death). It was placed on the only Italian normal route (Sperone della Tournette) that existed from 1872 to 1890.
In 2015, two years after the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Alpine Club, the restoration works of the refuge began. This mountain hut is dedicated to Quintino Sella (1821-1884), a scientist, politician and mountaineer from Biella. He founded the Alpine Club on 23rd October 1863, which, two years later, became the Italian Alpine Club (CAI).

Access suitable for alpinists.

Equipment: blankets, melting water.

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Cai Torino

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