Services: Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

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Parking Piazzale Ramey

Parcheggi  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

Large parking, near the Monterosa Terme wellness center, the pharmacy and the Monterosa Ski facilities, as well as the main street of Champoluc.

There is an electric car charging station.

From mid-June to mid-September, the market takes place on Friday mornings, so parking is not possible (possible forced removal of cars).


Saint-Jacques parking

Parcheggi  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

Free parking along most of the year, limited at 3 hours stop in July and August.

From the parking start different trekking itineraries: Nana valley, Pian di Verra/Blu lake and Monte Rosa refuges, Resy village and Bettaforca pass.

There are a fountain and the bus stop.

In July and August the road to reach Saint-Jacques is closed from 9 to 12 am.

Playground for children

Children playgrounds  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

Grenn walkable area, multi-play structures, slides, swings, spring toys, roundabouts, climbing frames, benches, drinking fountain.

Post office

Places  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

Open on:

  • Tuesday: 08:20-13:45
  • Thursday: 08:20-13:45
  • Saturday: 08:20-12:45

Check the timetables on:


Conference rooms  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

Centro congressuale
eventi, meeting, conferenze, concerti, spettacoli.
La capienza è di 400 posti.

Traumatological Center - Champoluc

Health  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

The territorial trauma centers were created in response to the regional health planning objective which provides for the consolidation and development of the health functions most affected by the seasonal tourist flows related to the main regional skiing and mountaineering areas. So much so that the Centers are located in the municipalities of Gressoney-Saint-Jean, Ayas-Champoluc, Pila-Gressan, Courmayeur, La Thuile and Breuil-Cervinia and, generally, in structures near the ski slopes .

The activity carried out in them assumes the function of the first territorial filter for the timely on-site treatment of traumatic events and consists of specialist first intervention services for pathologies caused by trauma, particularly of the musculoskeletal system, which do not require, in the opinion of the doctor, immediate hospitalization in hospital facilities.

On the basis of the relevant regional legislation (Regional Law no. 512000, D.G.R. 429212002 and Regional Law no. 4 of 13 March 2008), the services provided at the Trauma Centers are configured as further and additional services with respect to the Essential Levels of Assistance that the S.S.R. supplies in the territory and are entirely borne by the user.

The rates of services provided at the Trauma Centers are foreseen and determined in the regional price list attached to the Regional Council Resolution no. 145212006 without prejudice to the possibility for users to make use of a suitable form of insurance coverage, which is also suggested at the time of purchase of the daily/afternoon ski pass from all the ticket offices of the ski areas.

Activity: The Trauma Centers are active DURING THE WINTER PERIOD according to a calendar defined from season to season, also based on the snow situation. As a rough guide, the activity begins in the first days of December and ends around the middle/end of April of the following year (every day including Saturday and Sunday)