Services: Châtillon

43 Results
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Parking Via Martiri della Libertà  and Viale della Rimembranza - partially covered

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Upper level - Via Martiri della Libertà:

A parking metre or EasyPark app

Approximately 20 places - 1 place for disabled people

1 charging spot for e-bike


Lower level - Viale della Rimembranza:

Partially covered

Parking with parking disc - 4 hours - from Monday to Friday

Approximately 20 indoor seats and approximately 25 uncovered seats

1 charging spot for electric cars

Near the Roman Bridge - Madonna delle Grazie Chapel - Honey Museum - ''Ex Hotel Londres'' room for events - Town Hall

Parking Via Menabrea

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Presenti 30 posti circa 

Presente 1 postazione ricarica auto

Vicino all'imbocco della Valle del Cervino e alla fermata Autobus Chameran bivio

Playground for children - loc. Ussel

Children playgrounds  -  Châtillon

Near the parking close to the Castle of Ussel and in a large green area with beautiful view of the castle.

  • free area
  • playground for children
  • slide
  • swing
  • spring toys
  • drinking fountain