Services: Courmayeur

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Libraries  -  Courmayeur

The library is located at 41, Viale Monte Bianco, in the primary school building.
It has a computerised catalogue of the Sistema Bibliotecario Valdostano. The books are open-shelved, to facilitate public access. Documents are organised by subject according to the Dewey Decimal Classification system and can be taken out by users, both for consultation in the library and for borrowing.
It has a specific section for children and young people.

Compulsory and free entry, for residents and tourists.
Open all over the year.

Opening hours:
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10am-12h30pm / 2.30pm-6.30pm
Wednesday and Thursday 2.30pm-6.30pm
Friday and Saturday 10am-12.30pm / 2.30pm-6.30pm
Sunday Closed


As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Access is provided by an external ramp located next to the steps leading to the lift starting level. 
  • The building is distributed over several levels, all connected by an internal lift with characteristics and dimensions that comply with the requirements, also respecting the manoeuvring spaces on the departure/arrival platforms near the lift openings.
  • On each floor there are toilets equipped with appropriate aids provided, the horizontal routes respect the required layouts and manoeuvring spaces. 
  • The top floor partially dedicated to children and young people has adequate seating and furniture for this purpose.

Library of the Mountains

Libraries  -  Courmayeur

La Biblioteca delle Montagne prende vita all'interno della Fondazione Courmayeur Mont Blanc in uno spazio dedicato nel complesso "Ex Hotel Ange", sede del futuro Courmayeur Climate Hub (porzione di edificio oggetto di ristrutturazione nell'ambito dell'intervento PNRR finanziato dall'Unione Europea Next Generation EU).

Al centro del progetto lo sviluppo della biblioteca digitale dedicata ai temi della montagna che si affiancherà al patrimonio librario e documentale della Fondazione Courmayeur Mont Blanc, composto da oltre 3.100 volumi schedati e catalogati. Le aree tematiche riguardano principalmente la montagna e la Valle d'Aosta, l'architettura montana e alpina.

Una piattaforma dedicata sarà consultabile online attraverso un sistema avanzato che consentità ricerche trasversali, su più tematiche e su più volumi. La biblioteca integrerà testi, audio e video con un unico output verso gli utenti.

Un progetto innovativo per dare vista ad un luogo privilegiato di approfondimento sui temi legati al contesto alpino nelle sue diverse declinazioni, che vuole avvicinare i giovani a questo patrimonio. Consulta il catalogo della Biblioteca della Fondazione


Courmayeur Cinema

Cinema / Theatre  -  Courmayeur

The Courmayeur Cinema is composed from: 434-seat large hall, 120-seat small hall, large foyer.

The location is central and easy to access both on foot and by car (covered pay parking under the building). The rooms can be set up for conferences and shows. Reduced rates for seniors and children with the possibility of buying admission tickets. Projections in film in case of conferences and shows possibility of audio-video service and simultaneous translation.


As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • The entrance level is accessible via a ramp that is connected to street level, so there are no significant height differences. It is is also accessible by a lift to the garage floor in the basement. There are indoor toilets, one of which is reserved for disabled people with appropriate aids.
  • The large auditorium has two entrances, one of which requires three steps to reach the seats, while the second has a properly connected floor; the slope of the passageway is gentle for the first rows of seats (from the stage), while it becomes steeper for the seats behind, thus exceeding the prescribed limit. 
  • There is enough space between the stage and the front rows to allow wheelchair users to stand.
  • As the small auditorium has a gradient of more than 8%, only the seats in the first row (from the stage) are considered accessible.
  • The toilets are accessible via obstacle-free paths.

Club Haus 80's

Discotheque / Night Clubs  -  Courmayeur

Club Haus 80’s Courmayeur is located in the heart of the village, at the foot of Mont Blanc.

The Club is suitable to meet the most varied needs and welcomes events of different types from theme parties to corporate events, from dj sets to live music performances.


Discotheque / Night Clubs  -  Courmayeur

In a single structure you can find: restaurant, club with private area and lounge bar. The completely renovated Club with a brand new sound and lighting system will host international guests.
The restaurant is open on weekends, and in high season every day.

The Club Courmayeur

Discotheque / Night Clubs  -  Courmayeur

The night club The Club Courmayeur is one of the landmarks of the nightlife of Courmayeur. Refined music selection, welcoming and futuristic atmosphere.

Charging station for electric vehicles

Petrol stations  -  Courmayeur

E-via! è la rete di colonnine per la ricarica dei veicoli elettrici. Sono 35 colonnine diffuse su tutto il territorio della Valle d'Aosta, 11 nella città di Aosta e 24 lungo l’asse viario centrale e le principali vallate, a cui si aggiungono anche le 2 colonnine installate dal Comune di Aosta nell’ambito del progetto “City Porto” che sono pienamente interoperabili con la rete E - via!, così come le colonnine del progetto “Strade Verdi”, già attive nella regione.
I punti di ricarica sono generalmente costituiti da una colonnina che consente la ricarica contemporanea di 2 autoveicoli elettrici.


•Utenti occasionali: sessione di ricarica di 1 ora, prolungabile, attivabile pagando € 2,50 con credito telefonico, inviando un SMS al numero 4882882 e indicando il numero di presa indicato sulla colonnina accanto a ciascuna presa di ricarica.

•Utenti registrati alla app D-Mobility: sessione di ricarica da 1 a 3 ore, attivabile pagando € 2,50 orari direttamente via app (senza alcun contratto).

Possibilità di attivare un prodotto Flat in abbonamento mensile o un Ricaricabile con credito pre-pagato (info ai recapiti indicati nella sezione “Contatti”).