At lunch with snowshoes

Champoluc /Ayas /Antagnod

  • Saturday 25 March 2023
Opening time and fees Programme

The snowshoe hike will take place in the magnificent setting of Monte Rosa. Starting from Champoluc, we will cross a magical forest until we reach Mascognaz, a wonderful well-preserved Walser village. Here we will have our lunch, with eyes full of beauty and stomach of delicacies. After lunch we will return to the parking lot and, with a little luck, we may spot some animals that choose not to hibernate and survive the winter outdoors. In short, a day full of nature, sport and good food!

Estimated travel time: 5h-6h lunch included
Difference in height: about 200 m
Difficulty. E - Hiking
Maximum number of participants: 15
Minimum number of participants: 9
Recommended clothing, equipment and materials: necessary: ​​hiking boots, down jacket, windproof and / or rainproof jacket, winter hiking pants, backpack, hat, bottle with hot drink, sunscreen, sunglasses. Recommended: sticks, camera and binoculars.
Other useful information: the temperature can vary throughout the day. At the start it could be even a few degrees below zero and then rise during the excursion.
In case of bad weather: the tour will be canceled.
Booking procedure: send an email to


Guide Trek Alps

Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

Mont Blanc

Gran Paradiso

Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

Central Valley


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