Val Clavalité and the lake Lavodilec


L'informazione sulla località di partenza sarà fornita dalla guida ai partecipanti.
  • Monday 22 July 2024
Opening time and fees

We are in one of the least anthropized and least touristy valleys in the entire Aosta Valley.

Estimated travel time: 5/6 hours, return
Difference in altitude: approximately 850 m uphill
Difficulty: E (Hiking)
Participants: minimum 8
Recommended equipment and materials: Trekking boots in excellent condition; large backpack to hold water bottle / thermos; snacks & packed lunch. Layered clothing suitable for the season; rain & windproof jacket; recommended sticks.
In case of bad weather: For technical, meteorological or organizational reasons, the planned itinerary may undergo variations or modifications decided by the Guide, before or during the excursion, without however altering the characteristics and essence of the same. In case of severe bad weather, the event will be postponed to another and subsequent date established by the guide.
Booking method: It is necessary to call or send a WhatsApp message to one of the following numbers: 347 7692753 / 342 6902871.

Registration closes the day before the excursion at 3pm.


Guide escursionistiche
11020 FENIS (AO)

Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

Mont Blanc

Gran Paradiso

Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

Central Valley

Aosta - Piazza Chanoux

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Aosta - Arco d'Augusto

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Fenis - Castello

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Nus - St. Barthélemy

Webcams map       Resort

Webcams map       Resort