Alberto Deffeyes mountain hut - Planaval

  • Alta Via no. 2
    < Stop off 4 >
  • Departure:
    Alberto Deffeyes mountain hut (2.500 m)
  • Arrival:
    Planaval (Arvier) (1.554 m)
  • Difference in level:
    +954 m -1874 m
  • Ascent:
  • Duration coming back:
  • Trail sign:
    alta via 2
  • GPS tracks:
    gpx , kml

27/06/2024 - Due to a landslide, the section Clusaz - Gacier (Avise) is not passable. See map interrupted section.

Description of the route

From the Alberto Deffeyes mountain hut, continue left across a humid area of great natural value.
Along grassy slopes and stony ground, the path continues on towards the Passo Alto pass, from where it goes down across a stretch of stony ground to the Plan de l’Arolla and the *Cosimo Zappelli Bivoua*c. Then go back up the ridge towards Col de la Crosatie.
From here the route starts its descent towards the first grassy ledges, where a long diagonal stretch runs around the mountainside towards the right, after which the path takes sharply downwards before becoming less challenging towards the Lac du Fond.
Go around the lake for a brief stretch until you cross the stream that comes out from it and continue on to the remains of the Baraques du Fond pastures.
From here the path crosses a fine stretch of flat, at the end of which it crosses the torrent and goes down a ridge that crosses back over the torrent and leads to another flat stretch.
The route continues down among the pastureland until the ruins of the Bénévy pasture, after which it continues through sparse woodland and comes out just down from a bend in the tarmac road that leads to Planaval.
From here the itinerary follows the road, past the village of La Clusaz and on to Planaval.


Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

Mont Blanc

Gran Paradiso

Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

Central Valley