MOTOTOUR - Aosta – Great Saint Bernard (Round Trip)

Aosta, Étroubles, Gignod, Saint-Oyen, Saint-Rhémy-En-Bosses

  • Best period:
    May - October
  • Departure:
    Municipality of Aosta – Arch of Augusto
  • Arrival:
    Municipality of Aosta – Arch of Augusto
  • length:
    89,4 Km

The road stretch between Saint-Rhémy-en-Bosses and the Great Saint Bernard Pass, between overhangs and breathtaking panoramic views, remains in the heart of every motorcyclist like none other in Europe.

Description of the route

You can immediately take the Great Saint Bernard Valley or lengthen the road a bit, choosing the variation that will take you to Doues, picturesque village in the middle of the mountain, in a prime panoramic position.

Another location to “taste”, in every sense of the word, is Saint-Rhémy-en-Bosses, where the renowned Jambon de Bosses was born, a genuine gastronomic rarity, celebrated every year in July with a big festival.

Past Saint-Rhémy, the road climbs up to 8114 feet of the* Great Saint Bernard Pass* (don’t forget gloves and heavy sweater!), important alpine passage used since antiquity, as attested to by numerous archaeological finds. It was Saint Bernard himself who constructed here, in the 11th century, the grand hospice that for a long time gave assistance to travellers. Behind his statue, which today dominates the pass, the ancient Roman road carved into the rock is still quite visible.


Ufficio del turismo - Aosta
Piazza Porta Praetoria, 3
11100 AOSTA (AO)

Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

Mont Blanc

Gran Paradiso

Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

Central Valley

Aosta - Piazza Chanoux

Webcams map       Resort
Aosta - Arco d'Augusto

Webcams map       Resort
Fenis - Castello

Webcams map       Resort
Nus - St. Barthélemy

Webcams map       Resort

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