Parish Church of San Pantaleone


The parish church, dedicated to St. Pantaleon, is not located in the village of Emarèse, but half way between the main town and the district of Erésaz; dedicated to Holy Mary, it was acknowledged in a document dating from 1176, but later annexed with that of St. Germain, located in Montjovet. The two parish churches were united in 1373 and remained as such until 1747, when the bishop Mons. Pierre François de Sales drafted a decree to separate them.
The church of St. Pantaleon already existed before the XVIII century. In fact, the first document it appeared in dates back to 1433. It was fully rebuilt between 1882 and 1883: the bell-tower was raised during this reconstruction. Two particularly precious, wooden altars are located inside: one of the Madonna with two, twisted columns dating from the end of the eighteenth century is in carved wood that is partly gilded; the other of St. Joseph from the beginning of the XVIII century, which is also carved and gilded, was restored after 1786, as they were already in bad condition. A vault above the altar of the Madonna represented two statues depicting angelic figures playing the trumpet, which were unfortunately stolen in 1975.


Parrocchia di San Pantaleone
11020 EMARESE (AO)
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