Under the single DOC label "Valle d'Aosta - Vallée d'Aoste", a wine scene of great interest

Wine tourism in Valle d'Aosta is an experience in which wine tasting is combined with discovery of the traditions of this region which boasts an ancient wine-making vocation.

History and landscape

The presence of vines in Valle d'Aosta dates back to the Bronze Age as evidenced by the discovery of grape seeds in the archaeological area of Saint-Martin-de-Corléans in Aosta. Finds from the 1st century AD in premises probably used for pressing testify to the presence of wine in Roman times.
Today the vine is grown on terraces supported by dry stone walls, so widespread as to characterize the landscape in an unmistakable way. Looking at the vineyards torn from the mountain and planted on dizzying slopes, you can immediately understands the origin of the attribute "heroic viticulture".

Experiences in wineries

Various farms offer experiences around wine: not only simple tastings but also guided tours of the cellar, trekking through the vineyards, opportunities for convivial entertainment.
Find here the wineries that can be visited, looking for them by municipality or by tourist area, and book your experience along the "Route des vignobles alpins".

Itineraries among the vineyards

In spring for the first excursions in the greenery or in autumn to appreciate the intense shades of the colors of the foliage.
Find here some itineraries among the vineyards in various locations in the Aosta Valley.

Events & news

Viticulture in the Aosta Valley

The wine-growing activity of the region takes place along the valley floor which from Pont-Saint-Martin and Donnas climbs in less than 90 kilometers up to the 1,200 metres of Morgex, on the slopes of Mont Blanc.
Scarce rainfall, constant ventilation and significant temperature variations between day and night lead to rapid ripening of the grapes and development of the peculiar aromas of the various vines.

The particular climatic conditions of the Aosta Valley - together with the characteristics of the land and its exposure, position and slope - have certainly not made life easy for winemakers. However, the recovery and enhancement of the cultivation of vines in the  Aosta Valley has created a wide and qualified range of prestigious mountain wines, united under a single CDO Controlled Designation of Origin Valle d'Aosta - Vallée d'Aoste” which can be accompanied by various indications: geographical mentions, grape variety, color or types of winemaking.

The Aosta Valley CDO wines, in order of quantity produced, are: Torrette, Blanc de Morgex-La Salle, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Fumin, Petite Arvine, Müller Thurgau, Chambave Muscat, Gamay, Pinot Gris, Cornalin, Donnas, Syrah, Petit Rouge, Traminer, Rosé, Nebbiolo, Enfer, Merlot, Arnad-Montjovet, Mayolet, Muscat Petit Grain, Chambave Rouge, Nus Malvoisie, Nus Rouge, Vuillermin, Gamaret.
Some wines can be produced in the version with dried grapes ("passito"), "superior" or "classic method" (sparkling).