Hotel la Maisonnette


Altitude: 1.640 m
Address: Fraz. Chatrian, 166 - 11020
Telephone: 0166.540520
Number of beds: 25
Number of rooms: 13
Opening periods: Closed from 05.04.2024 to 05.04.2024
A warm atmosphere in a valley surrounded by woodland and delightful, white fields.
The characteristic and welcoming structure is in a central, panoramic position, near the centre of the town and a stroll from the downhill and cross-country pistes.



Description Included Price
Single room with bathroom 49,00 €
89,00 €
Double room with bathroom 59,00 €
199,00 €
Apartment 2 beds (connecting rooms without kitchenette) 129,00 €
249,00 €
Apartment 3 beds (connecting rooms without kitchenette) 129,00 €
249,00 €
Suite with 2 beds 149,00 €
249,00 €
Half Board with bathroom (price per person) 49,00 €
99,00 €
Half board in suite (price per person) 89,00 €
119,00 €
Lunch (Meals at fixed price - drinks excluded) 20,00 €
30,00 €
Dinner (Meals at fixed price - drinks excluded) 25,00 €
30,00 €
Daily supplement: cot / baby bed 16,00 €
20,00 €
Daily supplements: Pets stay 5,00 €
10,00 €
Prices are valid from 01/12/2023 to 30/11/2024

How to get here by car

Exit the motorway at Châtillon-Saint-Vincent. Once you reach the stop sign, turn right and after a few hundred metres, just before the centre of Saint-Vincent, drive to the right of the fork (sign for Cervinia). From here the underpass will allow you to reach State Road 26 and follow the directions for Châtillon.
Follow the state road for about a kilometre until you come to a roundabout. Take a right for the regional road to Valtournenche and Cervinia, which arrives to the municipality of Antey-Saint-André after 7 kilometres. Here, drive to the left of the fork that leads up to Torgnon and after a few kilometres reaches the church and then the town. Pass the start of the ski lifts and the large car park and after a few bends you reach the Pecou hamlet. The hotel is immediately on the left.

How to get here by public transport

The nearest railway station is in Châtillon.
Bus service to Antey-Saint-André (about 10 per day). There are about four buses per day from Antey-Saint-André to Torgnon.
Free hotel bus service.

Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

Mont Blanc

Gran Paradiso

Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

Central Valley

Breuil Cervinia

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